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Re: who visited my page?

The one-and-only Robert S. Muhlestein once stated:
! On Thu, 22 Aug 1996, John Lehmann (SSASyd) wrote:
! > You cannot capture email adressses - except by using an ActiveX control
! > or by asking politely.
! Actually, I am amazed at the number of "stolen" email addresses I'm still
! getting from people using older versions of Netscape:
! 	http://www.teleport.com/~robertm/
! (secret is the "onLoad" JavaScript call in the body tag)

Yeah, especially since Netscape fixed the  bug in 2.01 and both Netscape
and Microsoft have just introduced their new clients...  But then again,
it does give me a warm feeling,  knowing that the pages that I published
on the Web are actually being read :-)

! Robert Muhlestein
! Teleport Creative Services
! CGI/Java Guy
! cgi@teleport.com


==== _ __,;;;/ TimeWaster on http://www.IAEhv.nl/users/hvdl ============
  ,;( )_, )~\| Hans "Unicorn" Van de Looy   PGP: ED FE 42 22 95 44 25 D8
 ;; //  `--;   GSM: +31 653 261 368              BD F1 55 AA 04 12 44 54
'= ;\ = | ==== finger hvdl@sequent.com for more info ===================
